effective inductance

英 [ɪˈfektɪv ɪnˈdʌktəns] 美 [ɪˈfektɪv ɪnˈdʌktəns]

网络  有效电感



  1. For coordination to be effective an inductance is inserted between the origin installed SPD and the downstream SPD 's.The IEC documentation appears to be useful in this regard.
  2. When the time constant of the first stage in two-stage dividers is much greater than that of the second stage, it may be difficult to obtain effective inductance compensation for the dividers by the second stage.
  3. In order to show the improved effective inductance, three DGS circuits are fabricated with identical period and different dimensions.
  4. DGS can change the effective permittivity of material and distributed capacitor and distributed inductance by etching the defected pattern on the ground of microwave circuit.
  5. A formula is developed to calculate effective height and optimum loading inductance, several numerial examples and experimental results are given.
  6. Based on the theory of twinkling process of inductance circuit and online measure technology of modern micro-electronics, this paper studied and developed a new method for determining the effective inductance of time varying inductance in magnetic field.
  7. For example, a recent work reports that a simple and effective approach based on regulating the energy stored in the magnetizing inductance is still in need of machine parameters values.
  8. This paper expounds some difficult points in learning the alternating current of electrical engineering such as the effective value of AC, the functions of electrical inductance and capacitance on AC, the working principle of induction-motor and the transmit electricity.
  9. When many cell modulators are paralleled, their distributed inductions are also paralleled, the effective distributed inductance of the modulator is reduced.
  10. According to the basic theory, negative effective permittivity and permeability can be got in certain frequency band by adding serial capacitance and parallel inductance on normal transmission line periodically.